# secs_i.py : Partial implementation of the SECS-I standard # # Distributed under the terms described in the LICENCE file. # # Written by akuchlin@cnri.reston.va.us # # Partial implementation of the SECS-I (SEMI Equipment Communications # Standard) Protocol : SEMI E4-0298 # # References in brackets like [1.2] are to the SECS-I specification. # # Handling of single-block messages works; the code for messages that # would be broken up into multiple blocks is included here, but it's # never been tested, because the microscope controller never sends or # receives such large messages. # # This will probably be difficult to understand unless you know about # the SECS-I protocol; it's recommended that you read the protocol # specification before diving into this code. The protocol spec is # only about 20 pages or so, and it's not terribly complicated. # You can download a copy for $50 from www.semi.org; please don't ask me # to send you a copy, because I can't. # # To use this, create a SECS_I class, and add a .fd attribute containing # an integer giving the file descriptor to use for communicating via # SECS-I; this will usually have been some serial device like /dev/ttyS0. # Use .send_message(msg) to send a message, # .receive_message() to read incoming messages and add them to an # internal queue, and get_message() to pull a message off the queue. Error = "SECS-I protocol error" import struct, select, os, time # This doesn't use the Options class for its debugging setting, because # you'll rarely be concerned with debugging at the low level of the SECS-I # protocol. __debug__ = 0 _timing = 0 # Handshake bytes [5.2] used to arbitrate which side gets to send data # when initiating a transmission. ENQ = chr(5) # Request to send EOT = chr(4) # Ready to receive ACK = chr(6) # Correct reception NAK = chr(21) # Incorrect reception class SECS_I: # Default values for the various timeout and retry parameters; # these are the typical values cited in [8.1]. T1 = 0.5 # Inter-character timeout T2 = 10 # Protocol timeout T3 = 45 # Reply timeout T4 = 45 # Inter-block timeout RTY = 3 # Number of times to retry def __init__(self): """Create SECS-I object. It's assumed that a .fd attribute will be added, containing a file descriptor.""" self.blocks_to_send = [] self.block_queue = [] self.message_queue = [] # Queue of completely received messages self.__received = {} # Used for assembling multi-block messages self.__system_bytes = 1 # Used when automatically generating # system bytes def write(self, string): "Write a string to the descriptor" if __debug__: print 'Writing to microscope', repr(string) os.write(self.fd, string) def __wait_for_char(self, timeout): """Wait timeout seconds for a character to arrive over the RS-232 connection. Returns an empty string if no character was received before the timeout.""" if __debug__: print "Waiting time", timeout, "for char from scope" if _timing: now = time.time() read, write, dummy = select.select([self.fd], [], [], timeout) if len(read)==0: if __debug__: print "Read nothing" return "" else: data = os.read(self.fd, 1) if __debug__: print "Read byte:", repr(data) if _timing: print 'Waited for', time.time() - now, 'out of', timeout,'sec' return data def send_block(self, block): """Send a single block over the wire. The block is a string, and must contain the proper SECS-I header.""" # Check the block's length [5.6] if len(block)<10 or len(block)>254: raise Error, ("Block length of %i is not between 10 and 254" % (len(block),) ) # Make RTY attempts to send the block [5.4,] retry = 0 while retry H', csum) ) # Wait for either an ACK or a NAK c = self.__wait_for_char( self.T2 ) if c == ACK: # Yay (again)! The other side has acknowledged the # block, so we're done. [5.8.3] if __debug__: print 'ACK received; block successfully sent' return else: # Either we timed out while waiting for the ACK, # or the character that was received wasn't ACK. # Therefore we'll just retry sending the block # again [5.8.3] if __debug__: print 'NAK received; retrying' retry = retry + 1 raise Error, "Send failed after %i retries" % (self.RTY,) def receive_block(self, timeout = None): """Receive a block and add it to the list of received blocks.""" if __debug__: print 'Receiving a block' if timeout is None: timeout = self.T2 # Wait for timeout seconds for the length byte [5.8.4, 5.8.5] length_byte = self.__wait_for_char( timeout ) if length_byte == "": # We timed out waiting, so send a NAK. [5.8.5] if __debug__: print 'Timed out waiting; sending NAK' self.write( NAK ) return length = ord(length_byte) if length<10 or length>254: # Invalid length; read and discard the rest of the # characters, and then send a NAK. [5.8.5] if __debug__: print 'Invalid length', length self.__discard_chars() self.write( NAK ) return csum = 0 block = "" # Loop getting characters until we've either gotten them all, # or timed out. [5.8.5] while (len(block) < length+2): c = self.__wait_for_char( self.T2 ) if c == "": # We timed out waiting, so send a NAK. [5.8.5] self.write( NAK ) return if len(block) < length: csum = (csum + ord(c)) & 0xFFFF block = block + c if __debug__: print 'Partial message (%i/%i): %s %i' % (len(block), length+2, repr(block), csum) # We've stuck the two bytes representing the checksum onto the # end of the block; take them off and compare checksums. sent_csum = (ord(block[-2])<<8) + ord(block[-1]) block = block[:-2] if sent_csum != csum: # Invalid checksum; read and discard the rest of the # characters, and then send a NAK. [5.8.5] if __debug__: print "Checksum failed: sent=%i computed=%i" %(sent_csum, csum) self.__discard_chars() self.write( NAK ) return # The block is OK, so we add it to the list of blocks and # return an ACK self.block_queue.append( block ) self.write( ACK ) return # ... And we're done. def __discard_chars(self): """Read and discard characters until the other side has finished sending; this occurs when we've waited T1 seconds without any activity.""" while 1: c = self.__wait_for_char( self.T1) if c == "": return # Higher-level message sending operations def send_message(self, message, reply_needed = 0, device_id=1, message_id=1, system_bytes = None, R=0): # XXX should add range checks for all the parameters here if system_bytes is None: self.__system_bytes = self.__system_bytes+1 system_bytes = self.__system_bytes # The blocks are numbered starting from 1 [6.7] block_num = 1 # Break the whole message up into 244-byte blocks last_block, dummy = divmod(len(message), 244) last_block = last_block * 244 for i in range(0, len(message), 244): E = (i == last_block) block = message[i:i+244] # Construct the header, as explained in section 6 of the # SECS-I docs. header = struct.pack('>HHHI', (R << 15) + device_id, (reply_needed << 15) + message_id, (E << 15) + block_num, system_bytes) block = header + block if __debug__: print 'Sending block', repr(block) self.send_block(block) block_num = block_num + 1 # OK; we have now sent the message, and, since we got this far # with no exceptions, it was correctly received. # Now, if a reply was requested, we'll have to read it. if reply_needed: return self.receive_message() else: return None def receive_message(self): """Receive a SECS-I message, possibly split into multiple blocks. To retrieve the message, call get_message().""" message = "" last_header = None # Header of last block accepted expecting_block = 1 # Next block number we should see timeout = self.T3 while 1: # There had better be a block waiting for us; otherwise, # this will raise an exception. while len(self.block_queue) == 0: # Wait for T4 seconds for the next block [7.4.3] byte = self.__wait_for_char( self.T4 ) if byte == ENQ: self.write( EOT ) self.receive_block( timeout ) block = self.block_queue[0] self.block_queue.remove(block) header, block = block[:10], block[10:] s1, s2, s3, system_bytes = struct.unpack('>HHHI', header) if last_header is not None and last_header == header: # Duplicate block detected, so discard it [7.4.2] continue last_header = header # Save header [7.4.2] timeout = self.T4 # Change timing interval [7.4.3] # Extract the top bits R, W, E = s1 >> 15, s2 >> 15, s3 >> 15 dev_id, msg_id, block_num = s1 & 32767, s2 & 32767, s3 & 32767 key = (dev_id, msg_id, system_bytes) if self.__received.has_key(key): # It's an expected block expecting_block, message = self.__received[key] # Discard an unexpected block if block_num != expecting_block: continue message = message + block if E: # This is the final block self.message_queue.append( (msg_id, system_bytes, message) ) return else: # It's a middle block, so just store the update self.__received[key] = expecting_num+1, message else: # It's the start of a new primary block if E: # If E is set, this is the only block there is, so we # can add it to the list of received messages self.message_queue.append( (msg_id, system_bytes, block) ) return else: # Remember this partial block self.__received[key] = 1, block def get_message(self): """Return the next received message waiting in the queue, or None if the queue is empty.""" if len(self.message_queue) == 0: return None msg_id, system_bytes, msg = self.message_queue[0] self.message_queue = self.message_queue[1:] return msg