Process Hierarchy

  Wafer dicing
Process characteristics:
Blade thickness
40 um metal, 100um resin
Blade thickness
40 um metal, 100um resin
Cuts per wafer
Number of cuts per wafer
Cuts per wafer
Number of cuts per wafer , must be 1 .. 100
1 .. 100
Die length
Length of die.
Die length*
Length of die., must be 50 .. 100000 µm
50 .. 100000 µm
Die separation (X-direction)
Die separation on wafer.
Die separation (X-direction)*
Die separation on wafer., must be 150 .. 100000 µm
150 .. 100000 µm
Die width
Width of die.
Die width*
Width of die., must be 50 .. 100000 µm
50 .. 100000 µm
Excluded materials gold (category), copper
Wafer size
Wafer size
Equipment Wafer dicing saw
Equipment characteristics:
Batch sizes 100 mm: 1, 150 mm: 1, 50 mm: 1
MOS clean no
Wafer geometry
Types of wafers this equipment can accept
1-flat, 2-flat, no-flat, notched
Wafer materials
List of wafer materials this tool can accept (not list of all materials, just the wafer itself).
alumina, glass (category), Pyrex (Corning 7740), silicon
  • Send dicing information. Include dicing diagram and detailed description, alignment, street width, thickness left, etc.
  • There will be an additional charge for materials which cause blades to break prematurely.
Extra terms