Process Hierarchy

  Platinized silicon wafer (SiO2/TiOx/Pt)
Process characteristics:
Silicon dioxide thickness
Oxide thickness
Silicon dioxide thickness*
Oxide thickness
Platinum thickness only.
(SiO2= 0.3um, 0.5um (preferred) or 1.0um available with additional leadtime) (TiOx=20nm will remain fixed)
Platinum thickness only. (SiO2= 0.3um, 0.5um (preferred) or 1.0um available with additional leadtime) (TiOx=20nm will remain fixed)
Batch size 1
Material platinum
  • 150mm Silicon Substrates ready for PZT or other specialty film depositions. The wafers include the following films:
  • Pt Layer: (sputter deposited)
    Thickness = 100 nm +/- 20 nm OR 200 nm +/- 20 nm
    Sheet Resistance < 2 Ohm/sq
    Orientation = <111> normal to substrate surface
    111 Rocking Curve FWHM < 5 degrees theta (CuKalpha radiation)
  • TiO2 Layer: (sputter deposited and high-temperature furnace annealed)
    Orientation = <200>
    Thickness = 32 nm .. 35nm
  • SiO2 Layer: (thermal oxidation)
    Thickness = 300 nm +/- 20 nm (longer leadtime) Or
    500 nm +/- 30 nm (preferred) OR
    1000 nm +/- 50 nm (longer leadtime)
  • Si Substrate:
    Prime wafer
    Diameter = 150 mm,
    Flat = Semi-standard,
    Thickness = 625-675 microns
    Resistivity = 1-30 Ohm-cm
    Orientation = <100>