Process Hierarchy

  PiezoMEMS Photonics Module
Process characteristics:
Indicates if the process includes fabrication of air bridge
yes no
Indicates if the process includes fabrication of air bridge
Mask Count
Mask plates that need to be made by the fab
Mask Count*
Mask plates that need to be made by the fab, must be 0 .. 10
0 .. 10
Batch size 1
Material PZT
Thickness 1 µm
Wafer diameter(s)
List or range of wafer diameters the tool can accept
100 mm
Wafer size
Wafer size
  • PZT thin film transducers will be fabricated on customer provided 100mm
    diameter substrates with a top surface consisting of a high temperature
    compatible SiO2 coating. PZT (52/48) films with the appropriate elastic
    layer and metallization layers will be deposited with a PZT thickness of
    approximately 1.0 micron. The transducers will use a bottom electrode
    comprised of Pt and a top electrode comprised of IrO2. The transducers will
    be patterned with a combination of ion-mill and wet etch procedures. Access
    to the top and bottom transducer electrodes will be provided with
    input/outputs coated with a tri-layer of Au/Pt/Cr.
  • Option for Gold Airbridge - This option to module adds gold airbridges as
    a means of reducing the stray capacitance associated with making electrical
    contact to the IrO2 top electrode contact of the PZT transducer.
  • Option for photomasks - Photomasks created using customer provided data
    with minimum dimensions of 3.0 micron with +/- 0.5um registration.